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Zero Trust Server Protection
A patented solution to bring zero trust approach to you application and other critical workloads. ETEK’s services enables its customers to protect their most critical by allowing only what they thrust

Vulnerability risk leading to lack of control
With the customization in the applications, it is not always possible to update / upgrade the IT hardware or Patch the system in time. This leads to multiple vulnerabilities which can be exploited by threat actors.
Unable to patch our systems due to dependencies and internal processes
Mission critical assets breached
Unpatched vulnerabilities are the source of 60% of breaches, leading to ransomware, data breaches and direct impact to the business.
Volume and velocity of alert
Wide adoption of security analytics has led to numerous logs to be processed and analyzed. This might lead to missing some critical ones

Zero trust approach to prevent zero day attack
Continuously monitor and protect your critical workload from zero day attacks and breaches through the use for patented technology to whilelist process, files and services allowed to run and block everything else
Continuous server workload protection
Continuously protect application workloads, stopping known and unknown attacks. Map what is allowed and what is not to stop malicious code before it can run.
● Continuous run time protection
Protect workloads from the inside and stop malicious code before it has a chance to run.
● Stop Zero day attacks
Stops known and unknown attacks instantly, including zero-day, web, file, fileless and memory-based attacks.
● Reduce dwell time down to milliseconds
Takes dwell time down to near-zero creating operational efficiencies and streamlining your security stack.
● Team of Experts
Experienced team for Support and implementation to help deliver services aligned to compliance, industry and business requirements
Service Protection Platform
Patented technology to help protect critical server workloads against know and unknown threats. The platform protects all three layer including web, host and memory to provide comprehensive coverage

Incidence Reponse
Dedicated services to provide our clients with the process for incident response helping them in indentifying the threat vector, what caused the breach and how to recover from it. We have our experts working 24×7 across the globe to support our cilents.
While the EDR solution only protects the host layer from secruity breach, server protection platform is able to protect all three layers i.e. Web, Memory and Host
The solution works only to protect the server workload be it on cloud or on premise.
The pricing is based on a flat per server per year model.